Monday, June 6, 2011

So Far So Good

The injections have been going well so far. The Fostimon on Friday and Saturday burned really bad but last night's Menonys (aka Butt injection) was not as bad as I was anticipating. DH was was a star. The pain only lasted couple of seconds and it felt exactly like the injection you get from the doctor when you are sick. Afterwards, I had to lay down for a few minutes cos the pain became a bit unbearable but that also didn't last very long.

Today I am a bit sore but nothing to write home about.

I am eager for it to be Friday already so we can have our scan. We should know at that point more or less how many eggs we will have. I am nervous and anxious and once again I have all these negative thoughts running through my head.

As much as I try to remain positive throughout this process it isn't always easy. In the back of your mind you know that there is a very real chance that this might not work and as much as you want to believe it will, in the same breath, you have to protect yourself for if it doesn't.

I remember the feeling when we got the news last time that it didn't work. I was gutted and I pray every day that I won't ever have to feel that way again.

OKAYYYYY, that's enough negativity for one day...

Time to snap out of it and soldier on.

Fingers crossed for an excellent first scan.

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