Monday, September 6, 2010

Post Op Appointment with Dr J...

Finally, over a month later, we got to have our post op appointment with Dr J.

I went in so hopeful that we would be able to try at least 2/3 cycles of AI. Alas, that was not to be and Dr J said that our only option really was IVF and that we shouldn't wait to long to do it. We didn't really have time on our side.

This time DH and I left there in silence. We went about our business like any other day and didn't speak about what we had just been told. I felt completely drained and every time I wanted to bring it up I couldn't get the words out. Every time I was alone I just cried and cried and cried...

The next day I couldn't wait to get home. I had spent all day thinking about what I was going to say to my DH to convince him that we needed to do this, and soon. We need to at least be able to say that we tried and have no regrets later on in life. We need to do whatever it takes to make this happen. This was our lives and our future.

That afternoon when I got home Dh looked super relaxed. That immediately put me at ease and gave me the courage to speak up. The conversation that followed was everything I hoped it would be and at the end of it all, we both agreed that IVF was our next step and the next big thing that we would go through before the end of the year...

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