Well, boy am I glad we did. There are a lot of different steps with this protocol. 3 different meds (injections) the first of which I started today. The nurse administered it at the clinic and it was easy peasy, just as I remember it to be from last time. It was in the tummy with that same tiny little needle...GREAT!!!!
Then came the bad news...
The injection that I will use for the majority of this cycle is given IN THE BUTT!!!!! *GRIL*
And that's not the worst part. The needle is HUGE. I am petrified. I can't stop thinking about it.
Now, injecting myself in the tummy, that's easy. But looking in a mirror and sticking this huge @ss needle in my buttocks, that is going to be a bit of a challenge. I asked the nurse to show DH how to do it, even though he has always been adamant that he would not be able to. She suggested that he practices on an orange. So, we get home and the first thing DH wants to do is stick the needle into something...looking way to excited about it, I might add.
Ok, so now I am REALLY NERVOUS. But........I trust my husband so I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I am proud of him for even offering to give it a go. That said, I am sure there are going to be a few sleepless nights before that first injection :)
So, journey no. 2 has finally begun...Please God, let this be it for us

Good Luck!!!! Will be looking forward to BFP!!