CD7 Scan (Sat, 30 October)
First scan revealed that we had 5 follicles with the largest 2 measuring 11mm's. The FS assured us that it is still early days but I couldn't help but wonder if this was good or bad.
CD10 Scan (Tues, 02 November)
This scan showed the same amount of follies but the largest 2 had now grown to 14mm's +. We were told to come back on Thurs and we should have a pretty good idea when egg retrieval would be done.
CD12 Scan (Thurs, 04 November)
This scan was a bit nerve wracking. We were told the largest 2 were 19mm's and there was a 3rd that was 18mm's. Dr V said that ER would be Sat morning but that we would only get 2-3 eggs. This left me feeling very uneasy and anxious. FS said not to worry cos you only need 1 good egg to get pregnant but I really couldn't help it.
The next day went by in a blur. We were up bright and early on Saturday morning. Arrived at the clinic at 06:45 and waited outside the theatre for a bit. Just after 7am we were let in and I was given 2 gowns to change into. I was then shown to my bed. Hubby's sperm sample was checked and he was told that it was good. The look on his face was priceless. I amazes me how the men really only have 1 job throughout this process and they stress so intensely about it. Can you just imagine what they would do if they went through as much as us?
There were 2 other girls also having ER done and I was 2nd to go in. I said my goodbyes to hubby and was wheeled into theatre. Dr J found it hard to find a vein for the drugs and I could see he was getting a little frustrated. On the 4th poke he finally got it right but by then I was in tears. Luckily 2 seconds later I was out cold.
I woke up soon after in the recovery room. A bit dazed I looked around me and saw a nurse close by. The first thing I could think to do was call her over and ask her how many eggs we got. That was when she pointed to my hand...

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