I have never been the most patient person in the world and the two week wait to get the result of this
IVF cycle was seriously killing me, so, I decided to Pee on a Stick (
Thursday morning was the first test I did. Sadly it was a big fat negative (
BFN). Surprisingly, I wasn't too phased because I thought it might still be too early for a home pregnancy test(
HPT) to pick up anything. Friday morning, same thing (
BFN), and by now I was starting to get worried.
It was my mum's birthday on Fri, and my entire family was here from
PMB so we decided to give her a surprise party. It was such a fantastic night. Everybody had tons of fun and most importantly, they managed to take my mind off that mornings result.
My sister has a 3 month old daughter and when we were chatting, before she came up to
JHB, she mentioned that she still had a
HPT with her from when she was testing in January. Of course I told to her bring it with her and on Saturday morning I tested again.
This time I got a very feint second line. I immediately called her upstairs to have a look, just to make sure I was not seeing things or imagining the second line. She saw it too. I wanted to get excited but just couldn't...not yet. I even decided to not tell my DH as I didn't want to get his hopes up until I, myself, was sure.
Sunday was
excruciating. I was dying to test again but had no more
HPT's with me. Later that afternoon, we went to fetch my mum from my cousin's place, and bring her home with us, and I managed to convince DH to take me to the pharmacy.
We walked over to the tests and lo and behold there it was, I couldn't believe it....The
Clearblue digital home pregnancy test. I just told DH
abt it a few months earlier but couldn't find it anywhere. It was quite popular amongst the American girls and so I was thrilled to finally get one of my very own.
Because I knew I wouldn't be able to wait until the next morning I also bought a regular
Clearblue test, just for good measure...
LOLBack home and straight upstairs. Would you believe, there it was again...a feint second line but definitely darker than the day before. This time I took it downstairs and showed it to DH and my mum. They both could see the second line. My hands started shaking like a leaf. Once again there was this feeling of excitement trying to rear it's head while doubt kinda pushed it back down again. I could see that DH felt the same way. I guess we were just protecting ourselves from getting hurt and after all that we had just been through, nobody could really blame us.
What I was looking forward to, however, was the digital test the next morning. There would be no wondering if it is a second line or if you are seeing things. It would be clear as day "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT".
That night I hardly slept. I was so anxious and kept waking up at all hours checking the time, anxiously awaiting 5am when my alarm would go off and it would be time to test. When it finally did go off, I was out of bed like a flash of lightning. Straight into the bathroom and away we
I must have been in there like 1 minute when DH shouts from the bedroom "What's the result?". That's when I knew he was as nervous as I was...
LOL3 minutes later I looked over and there it was "PREGNANT 1-2" (Meaning 1-2 weeks) which they say would be calculated as 3-4 weeks by a doctor, based on a 28 day cycle.
I couldn't believe my eyes. I went straight out to DH and showed it to him. He was smiling from ear to ear. It was the most surreal moment in my life.
Funny enough, even after all that, I still spent the rest of the day looking for reassurance and wondering if this was really happening to us.
Tomorrow morning we go for our blood test and then we will know for sure. No more questions...we will be 110% sure.
1 more sleep and our lives could change forever!!!!!