Egg retrieval was yesterday morning. We arrived at the clinic at 7am and it was freezing. Probably the coldest morning yet. Luckily the clinic sisters arrive early and put all the heaters on so we warmed up pretty fast. At about 7:30 I was instructed to empty my bladder and was then directed to the room where the egg
retrieval would take place. The sisters started me on my
intralipid drip while we waited for the doctor. Smartest thing they could have done. That way, I didn't have to sit around after ER and wait for the drip to be administered.
Hubby was allowed in the room with me and kept me company for a bit until the nurse announced that Dr C had arrived. She then administered the first lot of
pethidine, and let me tell you something....I DO LOVE ME SOME
heheI just remember feeling REALLY good and then nothing. Hubby thought that I was hilarious. Says he thought I was about to give them the winning lotto numbers. He also tells me that I spoke to Dr C but I don't remember any of it.
All I remember is waking up in the recovery room and asking DH how many eggs we got. The clinic manager who is also Dr C's wife came in and gave us the good news.
We got 2 :-)
She did say that they are small and will have to be grown but I was ecstatic. 2 was way more than I could have ever hoped for.
ICSI is being done on both eggs. Today we were told that one of the eggs was injected late yesterday afternoon and the other this morning. We should get a phone call tomorrow to let us know how fertilisation is progressing.
I can't wait!!!!!!